May 6, 2008 - Tuesday

K.A.Z, testing-out his new VAMPS health insurance
Well, as most of you have already heard (sorry I am late, it was a holiday here), K.A.Z was injured during the last Oblivion Dust song of the Hide Memorial Concert this past Sunday.  K.A.Z fractured his foot, and was taken to the hospital, he received medical attention, and he was released.

Not much is known about how his injury occurred.  Some say he fell trying to save a baby seal from being trampled... and although that sounds like something K.A.Z would do, baby seals were not allowed at this concert!?  Others say that the injury occurred because the fans outside of Japan have not done a good enough job promoting VAMPS... ok ok, maybe I started that one... but it could be true!?

No matter how it happened though, K.A.Z needs your love now more than ever. His dreams of being a professional kickboxing champion are now officially over (that may be a rumor too, I got check my sources), but that just leaves more time for making awesome songs.  Send him love, inspirational poems, photos, or just your happy thoughts... it is up to all of you to heal him... please!!!

Meanwhile, HYDE is off to Paris to perform one show for the other band he sings with, I forget their name, it starts with and "L" I think...

One request, if you would like to write a note to HYDE or K.A.Z, please send a "comment", and not a "message".  The comments appear on the home page and they are faster to view and read... VAMPS rarely have time to log-in and search through the inbox to view messages... go with "comments" to be safe!

Also, I would like to remind everyone that it is my job to find and strengthen the international fan base for VAMPS (HYDE and K.A.Z.).  It would be great if you all could help.  For one thing, would you mind writing your city and country after you leave a comment?  It would be great if HYDE and K.A.Z, as well as the other fans out there, can see where everyone is from.  Hopefully you can start communities in your area with other VAMPS fans (my dream)!?  Also, please make sure your friends know about us, everyone subscribes to this blog (only if wanted), and you all start using the word "VAMPS" instead of the acronym "omg" in casual blogging.  For example, "VAMPS", another long email. 

Keep spreading the VAMPS wildfire!

Tokyo, Japan


Dear All,
I am so sorry to have worried everyone over my injury!
After the event, I went to the hospital. The doctor told me I need an operation to repair the fractures in my left heel.  I am in pain now, and it will take time to repair, but I will do my best to get better so I can see you all again soon… please don't worry.
I really want to apologize for the trouble and worry I have caused.
Reading K.A.Z's message made me feel the baby seal story could be true.  Even in pain, he is concerned about the impact his injury is having on everyone else.
So how can we cheer him up?  My first thought was to write a movie based on the story of K.A.Z's injury staring Johnny Depp as K.A.Z, and Jim Carey as the voice of K.A.Z's left heel.  Then I checked my wallet and realized that I don't have the millions of dollars I would need to make that movie… damn my expensive café latte habit!
Then I thought, why don't you fans make some nice get well images/photos? You can upload them to your Myspace pages and send the link to me as a "message" (please do NOT post to "comments", we want K.A.Z to find them all in one place). I will collect and download all the nice stuff and put it in a "Get Well K.A.Z" section of our pics.  The erotic photos will not get posted, but they will be delivered directly to K.A.Z only (ok, and probably HYDE too). So, if you have time, send us an image to help K.A.Z get back on his feet… literally!
Also, thanks to everyone for posting your city and country after each comment… it is so great to see so many people from all over the world!  And we are learning from you… one fan writes that Chile has many cows, producing much milk, and the calcium from milk helps to stop fractured heels… good to know, thanks Chile!  And wow Barcelona, lots of love from you fans also… and Brazil… France, Indonesia, Germany, Singapore, some place called "Texas" (this might be a made-up place though… never heard of it).  Keep writing in and letting us know where you are from, and please, for K.A.Z's sake, drink some calcium-rich Chilean milk!  


Hi All-

The surgery on my foot finished successfully.  My foot looks like Bar-B-Q, like it is from the movie HELLRAISER!  But the bone is fixed, and now I start rehabilitation, step-by-step.

Please be patient for my recovery, I think it will go well.



I hope you all don't mind, but I did not ask K.A.Z for a photo of his foot.  I think we are all better not seeing that.

Great to hear K.A.Z's surgery went well, so tomorrow is the last day we will be accepting any photos for K.A.Z's "Get Well" pics.  Thanks for all the great ones we have so far!

As for HYDE, I think he is now eating a croissant. I don't know for sure, but I heard croissants are everywhere in Paris, so it is probably safe to say... ?

Ok, so here it is, the big survey... 20 questions.  Don't be lazy, take a few minutes if you have it.  Please answer honestly because I need these results to beg, borrow, and steal for you fans outside Japan.  You'll see what I mean...







尤其是20 questions


Who are you?


Hello, and thank you for not being lazy! I appreciate your time here! The results of this survey will help determine very, very important things... the lives of many, shockingly cute baby seals hang in the balance of your answers... but try not to think about that and have fun!
「the lives of many, shockingly cute baby seals hang in the balance of your answers...」
 (這句我看不懂阿!!什麼可怕可愛的小海豹= =),不要想太多,玩的開心就好!!

How old are you? *
Please tell us the truth, we need this information to make good products for you, nice T-shirts, jewelry, etc
What City and Country do you live in? *
If many fans live in the same area, I may be able to convince VAMPS to do a show there sometime in the future. So if you live near a big city, you might want to use that name instead of the name of your small town. Write, "City, Country" please.
(孩子,不用想,"TAIPEI, TAIWAN"就對了)
Did you already Pre-Order the VAMPS Limited Edition CD/DVD? *
It includes the song and music video for the single, "Love Addict", as well as the song "Time Goes By"... on sale July 2nd!
7/2發行的單曲,收錄歌曲"Time Goes By"及"Love Addict"的PV
  •   (啥鬼?!還baby勒...)
  • 我不知道我可以預購ㄟ
Have you ever eaten Japanese Soba (buckwheat noodles served in a variety of styles, and both hot and cold)? *
One of HYDE's favorite foods.
  • (就是說吃過但不喜歡)
  • 沒有

Do you know what the word, "yabai" means in Japanese?

Final Question: How would you rate this survey on a scale from 1 to 10? *
1 is bad, and 10 is great (yabai)!
1是最差, 10是最好  (yabai)!


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