June 23, 2009 - Tuesday 
Since that faithful day on July 4th, 1996 when Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum defeated those genocidal aliens and saved the Earth, we have celebrated Independence day each year.  And while these annual celebrations of freedom are honored by everything from backyard Bar-B-Qs to just sitting on the couch and watching TV like any other day, we all know that the true way to celebrate our independence is by attending the Anime Expo in Los Angeles!

That's why I am pleased to announce that this forth of July, I (J) will be holding a panel at Anime Expo at the Los Angeles Convention Center from 7pm to 8pm, in LP2 room 502.  The panel will focus on VAMPS, their upcoming tour and show in Los Angeles, the truth about the Japanese music industry, and I will also be answering your burning questions.  Additionally, I will have a special VAMPS gift for attendees, more sarcasm than you can shake a stick at, and I might give-away a few tickets as well.  Finally, if there is still time, I will discuss Independence Day and the importance of alien detection technology.

So for all of you West of the Mississippi who were probably already planning to drive out to Anime Expo, now you have one more reason!  You know I will do my best to make the long drive worth it!

Only 39 days until VAMPS plays in Los Angeles, the final date of the their VAMPS LIVE U.S.A. 2009 Tour!  Get your tickets fast...

"Must go faster. Must go faster! Must go faster! Go, go, go, go!"  -Jeff Goldblum, Independence Day, 1996

Hope to see you all there!

自從1996年7月4日,威爾史密斯和傑夫高布倫打敗了那些(崇尚)種族绝滅的外星人和保護地球起,我们每年都慶祝獨立日。[1996.7.4 威爾史密斯的《獨立日》电影]
而當如同平時任何一天一樣,在院子烤肉、只座在沙發上看電視,這些年慶祝自由的活動對我們來說很榮幸,我們都知道真正慶祝我們的獨立是去参加洛杉磯(LA)的動漫博覽會(Anime Expo)!

這就是為什麼我很高興宣布7月上旬,我(J)將于晚7至8點在洛城會議中心的動漫會LP2.502室内舉辦一個小组。小组主要關於VAMPS,他們即將來到洛城的行程和演出,和日本音樂產業的內幕[這樣翻對不對阿],而且我將回答你們的熱烈提問。另外,我有個特别VAMPS禮物给參加者,绝比你们想像的更諷刺(很難翻= =),我將同時送出部分演出票。最後,如果還有時間的話,我會討論獨立日話题和外星人簡測的重要技術(外星人研討會?)




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